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Name: Anne ve Çocuk Eğitimi Vakfı

Fiba Banka(TL): TR31 0010 3000 0240 0002 1498 48

Finans Bank(TL): TR28 0011 1000 0000 0009 7149 42

Name: Anne ve Çocuk Eğitimi Vakfı


Fiba Banka (USD): TR63 0010 3000 0000 0003 8808 42

Fiba Banka (Euro): TR10 0010 3000 0000 0005 4937 42

Finans Bank SWIFT Code: FNNBTRIS

Finans Bank (USD): TR73 0011 1000 0000 0005 8725 44

Finans Bank (Euro): TR03 0011 1000 0000 0005 8725 43

Name: Anne ve Çocuk Eğitimi Vakfı

Fibabanka (TL) : TR 2400 1030 0000 0000 2307 0569

Fibabanka (USD) : TR 9400 1030 0000 0000 2307 0570

Fibabanka (Euro) : TR 6700 1030 0000 0000 2307 0571

Name: Anne ve Çocuk Eğitimi Vakfı

Fiba Banka(TL): TR31 0010 3000 0240 0002 1498 48

Finans Bank(TL): TR28 0011 1000 0000 0009 7149 42

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